Monday, May 5, 2008

Double Announcement!


Precisely one year ago today, cameras first rolled on The Meaning of “Choice”. It is with great pleasure that I now announce the official DVD release!

I have more web design work to do, so you’ll be seeing some changes in the website in the coming days, but you can now purchase The Meaning of “Choice” on DVD, complete with cast interviews, deleted/alternate scenes, and more!

Which brings me to my second announcement; the new Freedom Warrior Productions website! It’s still under construction, but you’ll find more information on Freedom Warrior Productions and our upcoming projects!

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of the cast and crew who worked so hard to make this film a reality! Without the volunteer effort of everyone involved, this film never would have been made.

I would be remiss if I failed to mention also that God’s Providence was also evident all throughout the production. Without His guidance and blessing, this project would have faded away into oblivion!

Now it is up to you, the viewing public, to rally around in support of our mission here at FWP, that is, to create quality, God honoring entertainment with sound ideological foundations; truly great films that need no disclaimer because of foul language, defiling visual elements, or perverted worldview.

The Meaning of “Choice” is FWP’s first serious film project. There are many more to come, and we look forward to moving ever closer to our goal as our production values and technical quality climb with each production!

Please keep an eye on the FWP website for opportunities to participate (even if only through prayer) in our upcoming productions!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

God bless!

David B. Thompson


The Meaning of “Choice”